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European Endowment for Democracy logo 10 years supporting Democracy
Apply for support

Apply for support

EED accepts applications on a rolling basis. For more information on how to apply please see the frequently asked questions below.

What is EED?

What is EED?

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is an independent grant-giving organisation that supports actors of democratic change in the European Neighbourhood and beyond. 

EED’s flexibility, rapid response and ability to take risks enables it to adapt to the changing needs and challenges of local contexts. EED can respond quickly as circumstances on the ground evolve, and it can operate in difficult environments often off-limits to other donors.

At the core of EED’s work is the idea that democracy cannot be imposed from the outside. Only change originating from within can lead to a sustainable and inclusive democratic transition. EED’s support is based on a principle of fostering – not imposing – democracy and facilitating local actors’ initiatives.

Where does EED work?

EED works predominantly in the European Neighbourhood (Eastern Partnership, Middle East and North Africa), the Western Balkans and Turkey. 

The following countries are eligible for support: 

Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo*, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, North Macedonia, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen

In exceptional cases, EED can also fund initiatives located outside the countries of EED’s mandate, as long as their proposed activities have a strong involvement of actors from within these core countries and target their populations.

In addition, some grants may be provided for applications from countries in the area adjacent to the neighbourhood, depending on applicants’ needs, available funds and priorities.

How does EED work?

EED primarily seeks to support groups and activists that cannot be supported by existing EU instruments or other programmes. EED’s support is complementary to other EU and member state donor programmes. It often acts as a gap-filler. EED aims to provide fast and flexible support. 

  • EED accepts requests for support at any time. There are no specific time-limited calls for applications.
  • EED can support individuals and non-registered groups.
  • EED can support operational costs (salaries, office and related costs, communications costs).
  • EED is specialised in providing support in a discreet manner.

Is EED an institution of the European Union?

EED was established in 2013 by the European Union and EU member states. It is
not a part of the European Union. EED is an independent grant-making organisation. The EED Executive Committee makes all funding decisions. 

What does EED support?

What does EED support?

EED supports civil society organisations, movements, independent media, and individual activists working towards a pluralistic democratic political system. 

Official registration is not a requirement for EED support. EED supports established organisations as well as newly created or non-registered organisations, informal platforms, youth groups and individuals. A particular focus of EED’s work is supporting those that cannot be supported by other donors and existing EU instruments.

EED is demand-driven and responds to the needs and demands of local democracy actors. EED’s direct beneficiaries include pro-democracy movements and actors, civic groups and civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, independent media, journalists and bloggers, artists, and youth groups.

Examples of activities supported by EED can be found here. 

How does EED select its grantees?

Funding decisions are made by the EED Executive Committee at its regular meetings following an assessment made by the EED Secretariat in line with the organisational mandate. 

EED observes, as far as possible, the geographical balance in the allocation of funds between the regions in which it operates.

How to apply for funding?

How can I apply for support?

Click on ‘Application Form’ on this page to be directed to the secure application portal where you can find the application form and application guidelines.

You can complete the application form in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, and languages of the Western Balkans.

Please note that a budget template is required with each application. The empty templates in the relevant language can be downloaded from the pages of the application forms.

You can also apply by mailing the application form and the budget template to EED also accepts applications in hard copy to the following address: 

European Endowment for Democracy
Rue de la Loi 34
1040 Brussels

When does EED publish calls for applications?

EED reviews requests for support on a rolling basis, so applicants can submit their proposals at any time. EED does not publish specific calls for applications.

The EED Executive Committee makes the final funding decisions on all grants and meets every two months. In emergency situations, the EED Executive Committee can also take decisions on funding between its official meeting dates.  

Does my request for support have to be in English?

No. EED accepts requests for support in several languages: Arabic, English, French, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, and languages of the Western Balkans

What is the average amount of an EED grant?

EED does not have a formal funding range. Most requests for support range from between €10,000 and €50,000, however EED also provides grants both below and above that range. The average level of support is between €40,000 and €60,000.

May I submit more than one request for support at the same time?

In principle, you can submit more than one request for support. However, keep in mind that priority will be given to the best idea.

Can I request repeat funding from EED?

EED critically assesses on a case-by-case basis all requests for repeat funding to ensure the continued added value of EED support. In specific circumstances, it is assessed that EED can add value by providing repeat funding.

How do I know my request for support has been received?

You will receive an automatic email message to confirm that we have received your request for support. This email will also mention your reference number. Please use this number if you inquire about the status of your request for support.

How do I enquire about the status of my request for support?

All applicants will receive an official response with the outcome of EED’s decision on the request for support. EED seeks to give applicants a final answer within 12 weeks.

You may enquire about the status of your request for support by sending an email to Always mention your reference number in the email so that we can easily track your request for support. 

EED aims to review all requests within 8-12 weeks, but sometimes the review process can take longer. The EED Secretariat might request additional information or clarifications during this process.

Can I receive feedback on a proposal that was not selected for funding?

Due to the large number of requests received, EED is not able to provide a detailed explanation for each declined application. However, you are welcome to request feedback on your individual application at

Does EED have country offices or someone in the country I can speak with about my idea or proposal?

The EED Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium). EED does not have country offices, however, EED has a network of consultants based in many of the countries of its mandate. To communicate with EED, email

Why do I need to indicate the contacts of three referees?

EED requests that you provide the contacts of three references who know you and your  organisation’s work and experience. These can be individuals with knowledge of your work, or with whom you have cooperated in the past. Your referees can be based in any country. They should ideally be independent of your organisation/group and not a family member.

You should ensure that your referees are able to respond to EED’s questions if contacted by a member of staff from our programmes team. EED does not always contact all listed references and may also contact persons that have not been listed as reference persons.

Emergency funding

How can I apply for emergency support?

In exceptional and clearly justified situations, EED may process a limited number of requests on an urgent basis. To request emergency support, you should tick the box at the bottom of the application form and provide a brief explanation as to why your request is urgent, and the potential consequences if you do not receive funding urgently.

What kind of initiatives qualify for emergency support?

In exceptional and duly justified situations, EED may process a limited number of requests on an urgent basis.

The criteria for an initiative to qualify for emergency support can include your situation changing unexpectedly, being forced to stop your activities should you not receive funding urgently, an unforeseen financial gap and unexpected external circumstances that have led to an emergency situation and a need for urgent support.

When can I apply for emergency support?

Requests for emergency support should be limited to exceptional circumstances and in times of crisis when urgent and flexible funding from EED can make a difference. These cases have to be duly justified. The fact that you want to start your initiative as soon as possible does not justify urgent support.

If your request for support is deemed not urgent, it will be considered within the standard review period. You will receive an automatic email to inform you about this decision.